Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunny Monday

Spring is in the air and the snow is going quick. Ziggy the Wonderdog and I started with a good walk around the circle and I'm looking forward to a long one a little later. I am still resisting the urge to go over and get the bike out of storage, only because I don't know if there is room in the garage. And I am terrified that I may not be able to ride it.

Last summer I had some balance issues. Nothing awful, no falling down, just knowing something wasn't right. It was probably worst when I walked out on the Jetty in Provincetown, where I fish for stripers and blue fins when we visit the Cape. I can usually run right out on the rocks but it was pretty scary in October. I was worried about wading while fly fishing and by starting with some pretty shallow water I found I can do okay with that.

I got on the bike a few times in the fall and pedalled around our little circle, feeling pretty unsure. I don't know if was from not being on it all year or because of the stroke. I guess I just have to go do it.

My dad and his best friend both had strokes later in life. I am fortunate to be close to my dad's best friend's son, we worked together in different areas of construction and both of us followed and follow the Grateful Dead and its members. We always kidded about putting our two fathers together. If they were one the right side of each other you could stand in front and make faces and neither would see. I was lucky and got to keep my sight.

It amazes me though, each hurtle where you think you have won something back, you discover another little place it hit you.

But it's a sunny almost spring day, uncommonly warm for Rochester, NY where we have 61 sunny days a year so I am getting a dog and heading out to walk in it. Enjoy your day.

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